Attempts to limit family size among some minorities are likely to cause problems 试图在某些少数民族地区限制生育可能会引起问题。
They need to limit the size of a GUI interface in which the text can dynamically be expanded and more intensive and larger graphic images can be accommodated. 开发人员需要限定GUI界面的大小,这个界面的大小必须可以使文字能动态的扩展,并且适合于显示更密集和更大的图形图像。
You can use the& show-limits option to display the default limits of xargs, and the-s option to limit the size of output commands to a specific maximum number of characters. 您可以使用&show-limits选项显示xargs的默认限制,然后使用-s选项将输出命令的长度限制在允许的最大字符串数量之内。
Use SAP BW queries with variables and filters to restrict the data set from BW to help limit the size of data passed from SAP BW. 与变量和过滤器一起使用SAPBW查询以便限制来自BW的数据集,这将帮助限制从SAPBW传递的数据的大小。
Both the mayor of New York, who wants to limit the size of sugary drink cups in restaurants and cinemas, and the UK prime minister, who sought a minimum unit price for alcohol, lost the argument. 纽约市长希望限制餐馆和影院含糖饮料杯的最大容量,英国首相则试图为酒精饮料设置最低单价,二者均在争论中败北。
Limit size of server desktop to fit on this screen 限制服务器桌面的大小以适应此屏幕
Due to limit on size, power and cost, it is very hard for these players to convert digital bits into natural music. 因为受到体积,节能,成本的控制,在这些播放器上很难完美的将数字信号还原成真实的音乐。
This would limit the size of the assets it could insure, bankers say. 银行家们称,这将限制其被保险资产的规模。
The proposals would limit the size of the future investor base for complex financial products, bring large swathes of the derivatives markets into regulators 'sights and require banks to spend significantly more on technology and risk management. 提议将限制未来复杂金融产品的投资者基础,将大片衍生品市场纳入监管机构的视野,并要求银行在技术和风险管理方面大举加大投入。
International agreements limit the size of fishing nets, but environmental groups like the World Wildlife Fund urge stronger action. 有关国际条约限制渔网的尺寸,但是世界野生动物环境保护组织强烈要求采取更严厉的行动。
"We explain to the women that we are not forcing them to limit the size of their families", says Mervat Famour, section chief at the clinic. 诊所科长MervatFamour说,“我们向妇女们解释,我们并非强迫他们控制自己的家庭规模”。
From a scalability point of view it's interesting to limit the size of the server side cache. 有趣的是,从伸缩性的观点来看,它限制了服务器端的缓存大小。
Why does the bill not limit the size of banks so none can again become "too big to fail"? 为何法案不限制银行的规模,进而杜绝“大到不能倒”的现象?
The geometry of the vessel and its internals may limit the size of the bubbles. 容器和其内部构件的几何形状可能限制气泡的尺寸。
If Mr Geithner cannot think of a sound structural reform to limit the size of Wall Street banks, he must at least make regulatory restrictions bite. 如果盖特纳想不出一个合理的结构性改革以限制华尔街银行的规模,就必须至少使监管约束措施管用。
The structure of the fund as a closed-end investment company will enable fidelity to limit the size of the fund, controlling the money flowing into the fund and stopping it becoming unmanageable. 该基金为封闭式投资公司结构,这使富达可以限制基金的规模,控制资金流入,以免规模变得无法控制。
Only time will allow non-size, limit the size of a serious problem once and for all get to the bottom. 只有时间才能让大小非、大小限严重问题彻底水落石出。
The separation between commercial and investment banking deprived investment banks of access to cheap funds ( in the form of deposits), forcing them to limit their size and the size of their bets. 分隔商业银行业务与投资银行业务之举,使投资银行丧失了获取(存款形式的)低成本资金的渠道,迫使其控制整体业务规模和高风险资产规模。
Advantages: the utility model achieves ideal processing efficiency without limit of size, and can reduce the labor intensity of worker and the worker number. 优点:加工效率理想并且不受尺寸的限制;可减轻工人的劳动强度和投入作业的工人人数。
Features: fully sealed, arbitrary curved telescopic, pipe diameter and length does not limit the size can be customized. 特点:完全密封,任意弯曲伸缩,管的直径和长度不限大小都可以定做。
Limit the size of the log file for messages. 限制消息的日志文件的大小。
The easy institutional change that is needed is to limit the size of financial institutions. 函需进行的一项轻松的制度变革,是限制金融机构的规模。
Another compromise would be to limit the size of the deal. 另一种折衷办法是限制交易的规模。
The application and the principles of limit size judgement 极限尺寸判断原理及应用
Fire resistive construction, horizontal and vertical cut offs, correct material selection and improved design are passive concepts that can help limit the size of a fire, but cannot extinguish it. 耐火建筑构件、横向及纵向防火分隔、建筑装饰材料的正确选用,以及合理的设计属于防火范畴,它可以有效地限制火灾规模,但却难以灭火。
A theoretical research on the size and evenness of the fixed size silk& ii. on the delayed length under the limit size for cocoon feeding 定纤生丝纤度与匀度理论研究&Ⅱ、细限纤度以下的落细丝长
The assessment points 'locus and failure assessment locus indicate the limit flaw size of the structure. 评定点变化轨迹与失效评定曲线交点所对应的缺陷尺寸即为结构的极限缺陷尺寸。
The tool is Bluetooth technology. Existing approaches have relied on time outs, based on absolute time limits to exit device discovery, cannot limit the size of piconet are no satisfactory. 现有的基于蓝牙的散列网协议大多利用超时,以绝对时间限制为基础推出设备查找阶段,不能限制微微网规模,形成的拓扑结果不令人满意。
These phenomenons not only limit the size of the development of SMEs, but also not conducive to economic growth and maintain social stability. 这既限制了中小企业发展的规模,也不利于经济增长和维护社会稳定。
The density of the IC increases fast while the number of pins outside of the IC increases slowly because of the limit of size. So it is much more difficult to control and observe the IC exteriorly. 由于电路密度快速增加,而外部管脚数目因受几何尺寸限制增加缓慢,在芯片外部很难对其进行控制和观测。